My Personal Story of Challenge and Triumph: Cycling for Dignity
One challenge that has always been dear to my heart is the lack of sanitary towels for girls. It is simple to solve but has always been ignored by the government. The girls who bear the brunt of this are those who come from poor families like I did. We hope our journey inspires others to support this important cause and empower young girls to pursue their dreams without limitations.
Breaking the Silence: Empowering Girls Through Menstrual Hygiene Management
Celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day today. At Village HopeCore International, we are changing this narrative with our Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) project. In line with the Kenya Menstrual Hygiene Policy of 2019-2025, we aim to ensure that all girls and women can manage their menstruation hygienically and with dignity, free from stigma.
Using Starlink to Deliver Health Education in Remote Parts of Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
In the heart of Kenya, the Tharaka Nithi region is a landscape of sparse terrain where limited infrastructure poses significant challenges to healthcare access. In this setting, HopeCore is pioneering a transformative approach to empower Community Health Promoters (CHPs) and bridge the critical gaps in healthcare.
Child Survival Technologies and Demographic Trends
Dr. Rasori shares about HopeCore’s innovative Child Maternal Health program and Child Survival Technologies at the Global Medicine Seminar this past weekend.
Mercy Ireri: Making a Difference as an Intern Nurse at HopeCore
Celebrating Nurses Week by highlighting one of our amazing nurses, Mercy!
Ensuring Healthy Futures: HopeCore's Impact on Child Health
World Immunization Week serves as a poignant reminder of the crucial role vaccinations and other health interventions play in safeguarding our communities, particularly our children, from preventable diseases. HopeCore is dedicated to ensuring every child has access to life-saving interventions, including deworming and vitamin A supplementation, through our school mobile clinics and village-based Maternal and Child Health (MCH) clinics.
Holding the Line: Expanding Malaria Prevention as Cases Rise
HopeCore has been leading the fight against malaria in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya.