In addition to the youth-friendly health services and livelihood support HopeCore offers to youth, we offer additional youth services in the community. To reach these out-of-school youth, we have tailored our youth program to provide youth-friendly services.
Youth Center
25,205 Youth Center visits since 2019
We have a Youth Center in Chogoria open every day of the week. This provides a safe haven for the youth away from ills associated with the age such as drugs and crime. As part of youth empowerment, a Youth Center Coordinator shares career resources and job opportunities. To attract youth at the Center, we have free internet access, television entertainment, and games. Additionally, this Center allows youth to meet and interact if they are not in school.
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)
232,343 Youth educated on sexual and reproductive health topics since 2018
Contraceptives are offered through both our Youth Center and our Clinic. Regular sexual and reproductive health education is given and information pamphlets and educational resources on SRH are available.
HopeCore has trained with local health facilities to help increase the number of facilities offering youth-friendly services. Additionally, HopeCore has convened church leaders' and teachers’ meetings to educate them on SRH information to support youth. In addition, youth take part in card games and roundtable discussions focusing on relationships, mental health, and stress management. Counseling services are also provided. Hopecore recognizes the need to impart skills to youth that are important in their personal development and make them stand out in the job market.
Computer Packages Training
Providing invaluable opportunities
The HopeCore Youth Centre provides invaluable opportunities for young people by offering monthly computer training at an affordable cost. This training helps enhance their skills and confidence, setting them apart in a competitive job market. In addition to technical skills, the program also fosters personal growth, teamwork, and leadership. Participants are equipped with essential digital literacy that opens doors to better employment opportunities and further educational pursuits. After completion of the course, they receive certification on graduation.
Youth Projects
Youth account for 25% of the Microloan Program's direct beneficiaries. Over the years, the program has supported several major youth-focused initiatives, empowering them with financial opportunities to invest in sustainable enterprises! Beyond financial support, the program also emphasizes capacity-building. Since 2024, a total of 559 youth have benefited from Street Business School (SBS) training, equipping them with entrepreneurial skills to navigate and thrive in the business world.
Motorbike Project (August 2020 – May 2022)
In August 2020, the program funded a motorcycle project that benefited 10 youth. By May 2022, all beneficiaries had successfully repaid their loans and transitioned to the second cycle of the program. They have since diversified their investments into various enterprises of their choice.
Nguruki Youth Gas Station Project (October 2023 – Present)
This initiative, funded in October 2023, supported 20 youths by establishing a gas station. The project aims to create employment opportunities and enhance income generation for the beneficiaries, enabling them to achieve financial independence.
Dairy Cow Project (May 2024 – Present)
In May 2024, the program funded a dairy project that provided 10 youths with three dairy cows. The project is managed collectively at the chairman’s homestead, fostering shared responsibility and enhancing economic sustainability. Notably, the youth engaged in these projects operate as freelancers, granting them the flexibility to explore diverse economic opportunities.