Our healthcare services reach over 425,000 people in over 1,744 villages.
The Public Health Program aims to build healthier, more resilient communities by focusing on health education, disease prevention, and health promotion. HopeCore empowers individuals and families to take control of their health by providing clear, context-specific health information. This is coupled with accessible, high-quality, and free clinical services that are offered through a variety of community touchpoints. By engaging with communities at multiple levels, HopeCore ensures that individuals receive the resources and support they need to make informed decisions about their health, creating lasting positive impacts on both personal and community well-being.
Community Health Promoters
1265+ Community Health Promoters
The Kenya Community Health strategy is crucial in achieving universal health coverage. It is an approach through which households and communities strengthen their role in their own health by increasing their knowledge, skills, and participation. At the heart of this strategy are Community Health Promoters and community members trained to render certain basic health services to the communities they come from. Click here to learn more!
Achievements in Community Health:
Household visits conducted by Community Health Promoters
Clients were screened for hypertension
Support and mentorship visits conducted by HopeCore
Community Health Promoters educated on basic health packages
Maternal and Child Health
Maternal and Child Health
One in every 24 children does not survive to their 5th birthday. Maternal deaths remain unacceptably high at 367 deaths per 100,000 live births. HopeCore’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program aims to address this challenge through mobile, community-based MCH clinics conducted in central community locations or in homes to ensure clinics are geographically accessible and mothers are comfortable.
Our experienced healthcare teams conduct mobile MCH clinics across 516 villages in Mwimbi, Muthambi, and Tharaka South sub-counties. The teams conduct health education and provide free treatment services. In addition to education and treatment, clinics provide prenatal multivitamins, deworming, nutritional assessment, and micronutrient supplements (such as vitamin A) to under-five children, as well as family planning to women.
Achievements in Maternal and Child Health:
Children were treated in our mobile clinics
Parents were educated
Antenatal mothers seen
Family planning clients consulted (Including condoms)
School Health
HopeCore's School Health Program partners with 523 schools and the Ministry of Education to implement mobile clinics with health education, deworming, a health club program with trained Teacher Health Champions, a malaria prevention program, and extensive WASH and eye health programs. This active partnership has been ongoing since 2014.
Mobile Clinics & Treatment Services
85,417 Students have received free health services
Lack of access to quality treatment services is a significant problem among the students in our partner schools. Most children have no health insurance, and when they get sick, they delay treatment with the hope that it will resolve on its own; others resort to self-medication. The result is drug resistance, complications from otherwise simple infections that could have easily been treated on time, and missing class time. Our treatment services in schools aim to bridge this gap through screening of common illnesses, and providing diagnosis and treatment. Services provided by our clinical teams include free treatment services and medication, routine deworming, follow-up visits to those treated to ensure adherence to the treatment plan, and referral of complex cases.
Health Education
623,691 Students have been educated
Education of students on health and hygiene issues enables them to develop healthy behaviors. Empowered children not only grow into healthy adults but also are able to influence those around them, thereby enhancing the health status of their communities.
Through direct education by HopeCore staff, mobilization and creation of health clubs, and training Teacher Health Champions, we are empowering students and teachers in over 500 schools to be health change agents in their communities. HopeCore has an age-appropriate health curriculum for lower primary, upper primary, and secondary school students. We have educated over 400 teachers (1-2 teachers from each of our 523 partner schools) and certified them as Teacher Health Champions in the schools. 269 students have been trained and certified as school-based youth peer providers, and the health clubs provide a platform for sustainable health education in schools.
Malaria Prevention
50,697 Nets distributed
HopeCore distributes free mosquito nets to the entering class of every partner school. HopeCore has distributed 50,697 nets to the community. Every distribution is accompanied by education on malaria prevention. Additionally, nets are distributed through the clinic when mothers are seen for their antenatal visits.
Eye Health
132,472 Children screened for vision since 2020
Many factors contribute to a child’s ability to perform in school; good vision is key. Children’s eyes are constantly in use in the classroom and on the playground. When their vision is not functioning properly, their education and participation in sports can be hampered.
Over 75% of visual impairment results from preventable causes. According to the Kenya Ministry of Health report of October 2019, of the 7.5 million Kenyans who need eye health services, only 21.3% are able to access eye health from either public or private facilities. Furthermore, interventions targeting child eye health associated with schooling and development have been lacking.
HopeCore is screening the entire school district for visual impairment. We have identified and partnered with DOT eyeglasses to provide refractive error correction with eyeglasses free of charge. In addition, children who need specialist review, medications, prescription glasses, and surgeries receive them, fully paid for by the organization.
Community Clinic
31,569 Patients seen in our office clinic
An extension of our Maternal and Child Health Program, our Chogoria static, office-based clinic was launched in 2015 and offers services in medical consultation, family planning, cervical cancer screening, growth monitoring, immunization, nutrition counseling, antenatal care, HIV counseling and testing, and youth services.
Mothers who attend our clinic for their antenatal visits are also given a mosquito net for malaria prevention.
The nurses and clinical officers working in the static clinic also manage a 24/7 health hotline. Community Health Volunteers, HopeCore’s mobile clinic nurses, and other HopeCore Community Health Officers can provide community members with the health hotline number as an immediate referral for on-demand health information. Our clinical team also conducts physical follow-ups where needed.