You’ve Done A Lot This Year!
Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished together in 2012: Clean water at 22 local primary schools. The clean water facilities we’ve installed at 22 primary schools include treated water tanks with spigots and hand washing stands with soap. Our community health nurse has already seen a significant decrease in the number of children with diarrheal diseases thanks to the children’s access to clean water! During the month of May 2012, Village Hopecore funded 83 new microenterprises. Members came from different villages around Chogoria, 30% are male, 70% are female, and the average age is 43 years old.HopeCore was able to supply eight school health clubs with pairs of rabbits to rear as an income-generating activity for their health projects. Rabbit meat is very valuable, nutritious, and easy to produce. More rabbit meat can be produced in a shorter amount of time and smaller space than any other meat. It is also worth more than chicken or beef, as it has a greater nutritional value.
An average of 600 patients were seen at the office and at school mobile clinics each month. Among the thousands of people with malaria and typhoid, everyone who needed free or reduced-cost medication received treatment.HopeCore has established a new focus on prevention this year. We trained youth peer educators to spread awareness about HIV prevention in the community. School mobile clinics conducted interactive education activities with 3,000 students each month focusing on malaria, hygiene, nutrition, and dental health. We look forward to continuing our work together in 2013!
As always, we appreciate your support! Stay in touch with us in 2013 via our Facebook page!