Bringing Energy and Passion to HopeCore: African Visionary Fellowship Recipient Naomi Nyanchama
Naomi Nyanchama, HopeCore's Director of Operations (center) with HopeCore's Medical Director Dr. Rasori (left) and HopeCore's Founder/CEO (Dr. Mugambi)
Naomi Nyanchama, HopeCore's Director of Operations
"The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them." -John Maxwell
About three years ago, HopeCore hired a Kenyan female Director of Operations for the first time in history. When Naomi Nyanchama walked into our office, we knew immediately that she would be a perfect fit. For the last three years, she has been a force of positive energy, strength, wisdom, and passion, we have been so lucky to have her as our team leader.
African Visionary Fellowship
This year, Naomi has been selected along with 15 other individuals to be part of the 4th cohort of the Segal African Visionary Fellowship. "The cohort of Fellows, hailing from six countries, are all leaders who have demonstrated passion, potential, and bold vision while running early-stage organizations" Segal Family Foundation.
Naomi came to our organization with incredible experience, knowledge, and leadership abilities. Highlighting this remarkable woman, we asked her to share a little of her story of how she arrived at HopeCore. Please enjoy!
Naomi giving an inspiring presentation at the HopeCore benefit in California in October 2019. The entire crowd was touched by her strength as a dynamic speaker and her passion and vision for the program!
Naomi's Story
I was Born in Nyamira County to a polygamous family of 21 children; I am the last born among my mother’s 11 children. At the age of 7, I moved away from home to live and be raised by my sister who had managed to secure a job as a secondary school teacher in Mombasa County. My sister took care of all my needs and ensured that I got an education. I sat for my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in the little-known Mtopanga Primary School and passed very well to be admitted into the then-prestigious Mama Ngina Girls Secondary School, Mombasa where I sat for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education K.C.S.E. I later joined Kenyatta University where I graduated with a degree in Banking and Finance.
Growing up, I saw my parents work so hard to ensure all their 11 children got a proper education, they taught us the value of hard work, teamwork, and care for one another. I saw my older siblings work hard in their education and secure jobs from where they earned income to educate us who were younger, thus reducing the load off my parents’ backs. What I saw in my family had a huge impact on my life, I purposed to ensure that my life will be spent working on positively impacting and changing lives.
I joined HopeCore because I saw a great opportunity to fulfill my dream of making a difference in the lives of many people. HopeCore has over the years supported the community of Chogoria and its environs through the Micro Enterprise and Public Health programs and I felt that HopeCore's mission and my personal mission were extremely aligned thus when I got the offer, I did not hesitate to take it.
I spend a lot of my free time volunteering in community activities i.e. I am a member of the Boards of Management of Chogoria Complex Primary School, Chuka Adventist Secondary School, and Chogoria Seventh Day Adventist Church. I enjoy nature and while not working I would be spending my time with my children on the farm tending to crops and animals.
Thank you Naomi! We are so proud of your acceptance into the African Visionary Fellowship and wish you the best of luck! We are lucky to have you as our leader at HopeCore!
Naomi in California with the entire HopeCore Board of Directors, October 2019
More about the Segal Foundation African Visionary Fellows:
At Segal Family Foundation, we believe that stellar individuals leading exemplary organizations are best placed to devise contextual and sustainable solutions to local challenges. The Fellows have demonstrated passion, potential, and bold vision while leading early-stage organizations. Please welcome the 2020 cohort of African Visionary Fellows!