Teambuilding Day with HopeCore
Bang Gae famously said that 'Teamwork makes the dream work.'
The Team Building Day 2019 was held on August 31st 2019 at Camp Ndunda in Embu. The team building day is held once a year to improve the team's efficiency, partnerships, and to unite the team in working towards one united goal.
Teamwork is highly treasured at Village HopeCore and is one of the major reasons for our success.
The HopeCore family met early on Friday at 7am. Every member of the team was dressed in sports clothing ready to have a great day. The team then boarded a bus for the two-hour ride to Embu. The day started with a large breakfast to field the tough physical activities ahead.
The first activity was a Zumba dance session where everyone tried putting their best dance moves forward. The facilitator changed dance styles every two minutes to keep up with the rhythm.
Public health team building: HopeCore practicing their Zumba dance moves!
The team then proceeded to the field where we learned the value of efficient communication. The last was a word that was whispered to one person, and the next person had to pass it along. The team observed as the word was lost in the whispers. This helped the team understand how miscommunication occurs.
Learning tools for communication!
The next activities were all field based. The 'Sack Carriers' (pictured below) were meant to encourage teamwork as all 8 team members holding the ropes had to work together to ensure the person being carried does not touch the ground. The activity also helped the team members learn how to be aggressive when competing with the other team while still maintaining integrity by following the rules.
Teamwork involving 'Sack Carriers'
'Pass the bowl' challenge. This task involved fetching a bowl of water from a bucket and passing it back. This challenge taught us about communication and integrity.
Pass the bowl challenge
Team members passing the bowl
'Blind folder' challenge involved guiding a team member to fetch water from a bucket and pour it on the opposing team. This challenge was to teach us the importance of focus as the opposing team was making noise to distract your team member from getting instructions.
Team members trying to distract Naomi from her tasks
Naomi practicing to avoid their distractions
The afternoon started with the obstacle challenge! Pictured below is the lines challenge. The team had to carry all members of the HopeCore family across. Touching the ropes was prohibited. The team had to work together and share ideas on how each member would be carried through.
Each team member had to be passed through the rope, without touching the rope!
Next was the 'wall challenge.' In this obstacle, every person had to be helped up and over the wall.
Jane getting passed by her team members up and over the wall
The challenges concluded with the ropes challenge where each person had to get through a tough course and make it to the end.
Passing through the ropes challenge!
The team then had to walk across the canopy that was above the waterfall.
Photos of the canopy walk from below
Team members helping each other across the canopy walk
The adrenaline junkies took part in the zip line!
Jillo facing her fears and zip lining through the trees!
This entire day was spent learning how to improve ourselves, our team, and our world.
Echesa following the sign instructions and finding a mirror in the box
It was a full and wonderful day. We are so blessed to have such an incredible team at HopeCore!
The team then gathered for a photo after walking the waterfall trail
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