Rose Ntinyari Nyaga

Rose is 35 years old and is married to Timothy Nyaga, age 40. The couple have two children and one other dependant. At the beginning of her loan cycle, Rose was earning $6.58 per month or $0.22 per day. She had a small business involving the purchase and sale of cereals, such as maize/corn, beans, peas, millet, and sorghum. She had always wanted to buy a cow so she could provide milk for her family and have a surplus to sell and raise money for school fees, clothes, and hospital bills. With her $400.00 VHI loan, made possible by Rotary International, she bought a cow and expanded her cereal business. This enabled her to increase her monthly income by 500%, an incredible performance that has substantially empowered and inspired her to become a successful micro-entrepreneur.

Over two years, Rose’s monthly income increased from $6.58 to $39.47 or from $0.22 per day to $1.32. During her two-year loan cycle, she made all payments and has now fully repaid her loan. She is now better able to care for herself and her family. Moreover, her association with VHI has improved her level of self-confidence and given her more hope for the future. She says VHI is contributing to her family’s welfare more than any other institution has ever done and is very happy to be associated with VHI. The story of Rose’s performance, and that of many other VHI clients, is a good example of how VHI is contributing to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals for poor countries like Kenya.


Lydiah Kanga Kainda


Francis Mugami Kirima