Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives in Kenya

We are a community development organization with a mission of promoting sustainable livelihoods and family health in Africa through capacity building, microfinance, and access to quality healthcare.

Through our public health, education, income generation, and capacity-building programs, today our services have reached over 390,000 villagers on the slopes of Mt. Kenya.


Individuals received loans to start their business



Home visits conducted by Community Health Volunteers



Students received health education through our mobile clinics


Join Our Inner Circle!

Embark on a journey of meaningful contribution and community with Village HopeCore's Nourish campaign.

By joining our monthly giving program, you're not just donating; you're becoming part of a generous circle of supporters who are dedicated to actively shaping global health initiatives. As a valued member, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits such as: 

  • “Tea with Our Team”

  • From the Field Updates

  • Priority Pass to Kenya

This is more than a donation; it's a partnership and a journey.

No matter the size of your contribution, every bit makes a significant difference. 

Join the Nourish monthly giving program today and be at the heart of transformative global health initiatives!

For the last 24 years, HopeCore has provided quality healthcare and loans to the women and children of Kenya. From a humble beginning, we have grown from serving 12 resource-poor women with a budget of only $5,000, to serving over 390,000 community members with a yearly budget of $1.6 million.

Ours is a story of bringing hope, health, and empowerment to the underserved of Kenya. 


Community Health Volunteers

In a historic partnership with the Kenya Ministry of Health, HopeCore has the responsibility to train, evaluate, and supervise 1265 community health volunteers. In the last year, HopeCore-empowered CHVs have completed over 705,791 educational household visits

Micro Enterprise

Over the last 24 years, HopeCore has provided business training and loans to over 4,214 entrepreneurs in rural Kenya, directly impacting 29,744 Kenyans. This village bank has maintained an incredible average repayment rate of over 100.1%. Since inception, HopeCore has infused over $1.8 million into the rural economy through small loans.

School Health

In a unique 12-year partnership with the Ministry of Education, HopeCore has provided health education, free clinical services, insecticide-treated malaria prevention bed nets, clean treated drinking water systems and handwashing soap to a complete school district serving 45,000 students in 187 schools. In addition, we have trained 305 Teacher Health Champions to supervise students in 170 active health clubs.

Child Maternal Health Kenya

Child Maternal Health

HopeCore has pioneered, over the last 9 years, innovative neighborhood child maternal health clinics, which offer mothers with young children: growth chart monitoring, free clinical health services, malaria prevention bed nets, comprehensive family planning services, and ongoing education in raising a healthy child. This program has benefited over 48,000 women and 36,000 children.

Eye Health

In 201, HopeCore initiated a vision health program at 321 partner schools to improve the vision and health of students, identifying 145 children for our vision clinic during the initial vision screening. Our program provides health education on eye care, vision acuity screening, free treatment for eye infections, and free eyeglasses. In 2023, HopeCore provided eyecare education and vision acuity screening to 43,852 students. During the screening, HopeCore identified 964 students with abnormal vision and prescribed glasses to 70 students.

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

In addition to providing clean treated drinking water systems and handwashing soap to 187 schools, HopeCore-empowered CHVs have consistently ensured that at least 87.5% of homes have handwashing stations. They've also continued to educate our clients on the importance of treating all of their drinking water, hand hygiene, and home sanitation.

Stories of Success and Hope - Village HopeCore’s Blog

Read more on our blog!

Join us in Kenya!

We are hosting a 14-day Kenya experience of a lifetime - next trip in 2025! This trip combines five days in the village visiting and working with our programs with a 6-day luxury safari and three day Kenya coast stay!

2023 Annual Report

HopeCore continues to be proactive and creative with our programs, focusing on the elimination of poverty, disease prevention, maternal and child health promotion, and building technical and human capacity.

The 2023 Annual Report demonstrates our impact in the communities that we serve and how our programs continue to be strengthened and expanded.


TAKE ACTION and get involved!


MedTreks Kenya

MedTreks Kenya is a partnership program with Village HopeCore International & MedTreks International, a global health education company that works with our HopeCore healthcare team on a regular basis.

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